Wolf Adventure: Call of the Wild

Wolf Adventure: Call of the Wild

1. While a Wolf Scout, attend a pack or family campout. If your chartered organization does not permit Cub Scout camping, you may substitute a family campout or a daylong outdoor activity with your den or pack.

2. Show how to tie an overhand knot and a square knot.

3. While on a den or family outing, identify four different types of animals. Explain how you identified them.

4. With your family or den, make a list of possible weather changes that might happen on your campout according to the time of year you are camping. Tell how you will be prepared for each one.

5. Show or demonstrate what to do:
a. When a stranger approaches you, your family, or your belongings.
b. In case of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood.
c. To keep from spreading your germs.

6. On the campout, participate with your family or den in a campfire show. Prepare a skit or song, and then present it at the campfire for everyone else.

7. Do the following:
a. Recite the Outdoor Code with your leader.
b. Recite the Leave No Trace Principles for Kids with your leader. Talk about how these principles support the Outdoor Code.
c. After your campout, list the ways you demonstrated being careful with fire.

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